Jay Reynolds, a research astronomer at Cleveland State University, explains what Northeast Ohio residents saw in the sky Sunday night.
CLEVELAND - With all the attention latelyBalloons and unidentified objectsblew up, you can understand why what some Northeast Ohioans witnessed Sunday night might have been disturbing.
What those in Northeast Ohio saw in the night sky, however, was the latest batch of SpaceX satellites flying over the region.
Jay Reynolds, a research astronomer at Cleveland State University, spoke to 3News about the satellites.
Reynolds said: "We had a pass from a group of satellites called Starlink. We've seen these before, but not quite like tonight. We could see them pretty well. We may see her again, but it's hard to tell."
It all came together perfectly as the skies have been clear for the past few nights. Both the position in the sky and the clear sky made it an impressive sight.
Reynolds was also asked about the recent burst of balloons and unidentified objects shot down in North America over the past week.
"I'm a little surprised by that. the government hasn't acted on this. This is by no means the first time balloons have carried out invasion flights. You have no choice but to release some of this information. Heaven knows how many of these have flown before .”
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