

Saturday 28 January 2023


Our new hire is artificial intelligence. And in the first mission, the AI ​​reporter will help readers assemble the perfect pitch deck.

With the popularization of artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, it seems that the reporting profession has its days numbered. Just look at the example of Buzzfeed , which laid off 12% of its workforce and later announced that it will use tools from OpenAI (creator of ChatGPT) to produce its texts.


However, as here at Startups we like to be against it, we decided not to fire people, but to hire: our new reporter is precisely ChatGPT , who (for now) still works without charging anything. He will write the texts that many of our readers search for in search engines. That's right: we put AI to be our content intern for SEO. Intern because he's going to work under supervision, since he's still getting the hang of it, learning these journalism paranaques and such.

In the first mission of our newest reinforcement, which will appear in the section named "AI, reporter", the subject is pitch deck, one of the main doubts of founders, especially those who are starting out. So our scribe was tasked with researching and listing 10 tips for creating the perfect pitch.

This was the briefing: "Write with good humor about 10 tips for startups and entrepreneurs to create a quality pitch deck for investors. Text should include an introduction about the importance of a good pitch deck and if possible bring some research data. If possible include some quotes from key executives talking about what a good pitch deck should be".

The quest was completed in approximately 40 seconds, taking less time than it took me to write this introduction, which gives me a certain fear for the future. However, here is the result. Bring it on, intern.

By the way, the image that illustrates this article was also generated by a computer. The request made to DALL-E was: "a photorealistic and stylish image of a businesswoman giving a business presentation to investors".

10 tips for making your pitch deck

Do you know what a pitch deck is? It's that material you show investors when you want them to invest in your company. And do you know why it's important to have a good pitch deck? Because it's the first impression your company will make to investors, and you know what they say about first impressions, don't you? So, if you want investors to invest in your company, you better have a quality pitch deck. And I, as a pitch deck specialist, will give you some tips for creating your own:

1 - Catch the attention of investors with a creative and impactful title. If you can't get their attention right away, it's hard for them to keep reading.

2 - Make investors understand your business in less than 30 seconds. If they don't understand your business quickly, they're likely to give up reading the pitch deck.

3 - Show your company's numbers and growth projections. Investors want to know if your company is profitable.

4 - Don't forget to include information about the team and mentorships. Investors want to know. who is behind the company.

5 - Make investors fall in love with your company. If you can do that, they'll be more likely to invest.

6 - Take advantage of the pitch to show your differential. How does your company differ from others?

7 - Don't forget to include information about the market, competition and growth potential.

8 - Be honest and transparent with investors. They appreciate honesty.

9 - Use graphics and images to make the pitch deck more attractive.

10 - Make a good preview of the pitch deck before showing it to investors. Ask friends and mentors for feedback.

And remember, the pitch is your cover letter to investors, so it's important that it's done well. "A good pitch deck should be clear, concise and persuasive," says Mark Cuban, entrepreneur and investor. And "It should show. In what ways the company will generate revenue and profit. and how it differentiates itself from others," says Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal.

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