

Saturday, 28 January 2023


There is a clear increase in female interest in financial decision-making, but the challenges are still great.


Everyone is afraid of losing money, but the point is that a large part of this fear is due to the lack of knowledge about how this financial universe works, and not just because of a lack of funds.

We women, in particular, still have a historical context that makes this process even more difficult. After all, it's recent that we see so many of us with the opportunity of financial independence. 

Furthermore, even with this change in our behavior, many times we do not have access to information on how all this works, leaving us even more insecure. 

Stock exchange falls, stock market rises, interest, rates, CDB, CDI, acronyms and more acronyms. Yes, it is not easy to gain that confidence, but in this article we are going to learn how to lose the fear of investing your money. 

It's not just fear, lack of money

A survey promoted by ANBIMA , the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities, in partnership with Datafolha, published in 2022 for the 5th edition of the Brazilian Investor X-Ray, states that, while 66% of men in the country are not investors , among women this number is higher, registering 72%. 

And this more conservative attitude among women when it comes to investing, as we have already briefly mentioned, is also closely connected with this historical heritage. We still have fewer career opportunities, receive lower wages and dedicate more time than men to domestic and family-related activities, as the ANBIMA executives themselves explain in the survey.

On the reasons that restrict us, the study evaluated that 55% do not invest due to lack of money, and 10% demonstrate that the unemployment factor is remarkable. 

female investors yes 

On the other hand, among women who have already made the decision to invest, the survey shows a profile that still avoids risks, more conservative and moderate. 

83% prefer to use savings as a means, while this number is only 68% among men. 7% opt for private securities, such as CDBs and debentures; 12% take the path of investment funds, digital currencies and shares on the stock exchange. For higher risk applications, the study records only 12% of women.

Among the reasons that lead women to invest, we have:

  • Fulfill the dream of owning a home (28%);

  • Make an emergency reserve (20%);

  • Travel the world and discover new cultures (9%);

  • Provide education for themselves and their children and grandchildren (8%);

  • Invest in your own business (7%);

  • Save to use in old age (6%). 

Another interesting fact in this regard is that women are approaching this investment movement, compared to men, and, in 2022, 43% of women indicate that they want to make investments this year, against 51%. 

What is intriguing here, however obvious or particular this issue of motivations may lead us to act, is that we often have difficulty in idealizing and clarifying what the money invested will allow us to achieve. Use this data to your advantage.

How to lose fear of investing? 

Among the specialists, we see several reports that, in order to lose the fear of investing, the first step is to start good financial planning, which includes understanding your objective and the deadline for achieving it, and seeking information on diversifying investments. 

Another important step is to see what your profile is as an investor: 

  • Conservative: when you have a low tolerance for risk and losses, prioritizing liquidity over profitability and security;

  • Moderate: this profile is for those looking to balance financial risk and return. There is a greater tolerance of losses in order to maximize profits;

  • Bold: As your name suggests, you are not so afraid of taking risks and are willing to take that decision. Its focus is directed at the profitability of its portfolio and it uses a strategy to analyze security.

Bearing this in mind, it is easier to achieve the feeling of belonging to a space. This is not to say that you should stick to one profile. There are always possibilities for improvement, as your attitudes unfold. 

Another factor that can scare those who want to invest are the “infinite” terms and acronyms that the financial market uses. Calm down, just like any news you may take some time to understand, but you will get used to it. 

Start by studying what the terms that characterize the available financial assets mean, such as: liquidity, volatility and yield. 

Then, learn about the meaning of the assets offered, including shares, government bonds, such as Prefixed Treasury, Selic and IPCA+, and private bonds, LCI, LCA and debentures. 

If the feeling of insecurity still persists, the tip is that you find a company that specializes in investments and offers a consultancy service. 

From there, you will have the help of a professional who will find the best type of application, considering your entire profile and objective. 

Invest in your knowledge

Every human being, men and women, travel more prosperous paths when they are connected with knowledge, and a certain dose of boldness to apply and disseminate this state of consciousness. Knowledge provides security and gives us the ability to lose the natural fears of our being. 

In the context we are discussing here, it is perfectly natural that you are afraid to invest your money, for fear of losing. 

Just as it is authentic that you are not comfortable participating in a conversation about a certain topic, because you do not know it. Or how natural you are to be afraid of driving if you never train. Or swimming in a pool if you've never done it.

Much more than encouraging yourself, you have to know, believe and learn. We women are doing very well in this movement to expand our capabilities and opportunities and, without a doubt, all these stages and moments will go through their own investment in knowledge. 

Change your fear of investing money, for ambition to invest in knowledge. The financial rewards will certainly come as well. 

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