The first installment of Bolsa Família begins to be paid on January 18 for participants whose NIS registration ends with the number 1.
The Ministry of Citizenship released the 2023 calendar for the payment of the Auxílio Brasil — which will once again be called Bolsa Família. Payments follow the pattern of previous years: made in the last ten days of each month, according to the final number of the beneficiary's Social Registration Number (NIS).
The first installment begins to be paid on January 18th for social program participants whose registration ends with the number 1. Check the payment dates for the 2023 calendar below;How are the benefits in the new government?
With a tight budget and a slow economy, the president-elect, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, reaffirmed his social commitment with Brazilians. Among the promises for the social area are: maintaining the Brazil Aid (Bolsa Família) in the amount of R$ 600 with an additional R$ 150 per child up to 6 years old; exempt people earning up to R$5,000 a month from income tax; increase school lunch resources and much more.
Considering that the country is breaking a record in the number of people in default, the government plans to launch the Desenrola Brasil program, aimed at renegotiating family debts with good discounts and low interest rates. In addition, the government aims to readjust the salaries of retirees and establish a policy to value the minimum wage.
Regarding the benefits launched in 2022, some will undergo changes and others do not have a forecast to be renewed. The gas aid, scheduled to be finalized in December, will continue to be offered at half the average price of a canister. The payment was guaranteed through the approval of the PEC that increases the spending ceiling for one year.
Aid for truck drivers and taxi drivers, adopted due to the high price of fuel, does not yet have a forecast to be resumed in the year 2023. However, the president-elect will edit a provisional measure to renew for two months the exemption from federal taxes on Gasoline.
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