

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Speaking Techniques for Memorizing

In everyday life, many people break out in a cold sweat just thinking about having to memorize a speech, a presentation or a few simple words.

Hello Speakers! How are you?

But success in exercising any profession has a considerable influence on a good memory, especially in oratory, where the orator needs to memorize and articulate ideas quickly within a planning so that the public's attention remains avid and present and actually understands the message.

Speaking Techniques for Memorizing

The good news is that there are several methods and techniques to improve memorization that can be applied in different contexts.

In fact, good oratory combined with a good memory helps professional growth and benefits people, as it makes communication more efficient, whether with the public or in leading teams in the company.

Memorization techniques stimulate attention and concentration through practices that help the brain understand the relevance of some information.

Therefore, memorization techniques are especially indicated in the context of communication and oratory, regardless of the acting niche.

How does memory work?

Speakers, when we talk about memory, we're talking about our brain's ability to absorb and store information. It is one of the most complex functions of the human body.

In order for memory to happen, neurons and nerve cells need to make connections with each other, resulting in synapses. The brain then chooses where to take that information.

This information can be stored in two regions of the brain, frontal cortex or hippocampus, and correspond to short-term memories and long-term memories, respectively.

And there are several types of memories with specific and different functions!

In oratory we approach the declarative memory, which is the one that makes data association, deduction and creates new information. This memory is used when you need to remember something very consciously.

What is the forgetting curve? 

In the same way that the brain stores information, it also eliminates information, because our storage power is limited. For this reason, we remember the most important childhood memories.

We know as the forgetting curve, the process of eliminating memories, which the brain goes through.

The forgetting curve is totally related to utility, and precisely because of this, the brain gives preference to the most recent memories and what is most used.

In this way, we gradually forget information that is not being used frequently.

Memorize X Decorate 

Memorization is a process that makes the brain understand the relevance and importance of certain information, involving meaning when you memorize something.

But when you memorize something, use automatic reproduction and because it has no meaning, it is soon forgotten as soon as you don't need to remember it anymore.

Speaking Techniques for Memorizing

In a well-articulated speech, where oratory techniques are used, memorization will promote confidence during the presentation.

Regardless of the context, we can use different techniques to identify the most efficient one for each case and speaker.

In general, making summaries and outlines is one of the most widespread techniques for memorization and learning. Mind maps, keywords, conceptual schemes, use of abstracts and own considerations are included.

Associating concepts is another technique to improve memorization, as well as making visual and funny associations, relating the contents to humorous everyday situations.

In many cases, the use of word games or puns is very useful, but common sense is always needed.

Some people turn everything into memory music, converting knowledge into rhythmic sound. Another way is to use icons, pictures or words.

Finally, we try to identify which of the techniques would be most suitable for the objective and for the presenter, and thus we carry out a lot of training of what will be said.

Memorization guarantees spontaneity  

Being calm and comfortable with the topic is a dream for anyone who presents themselves in some way, so memorizing what needs to be said is a tool that guarantees spontaneity.

As I said before, there are countless techniques that can be used by anyone who wants to memorize a speech or some communication situation. The important thing is to find out which technique works best for you and thus create habits that make it easier to apply them.

Good memory is not a gift, but a skill that can be developed and improved with training aimed at anyone who does not have any illness that affects cognitive functions.

Knowing what will be said brings a sense of calm, so start the memorization process with the introduction. Memorizing the conclusion of the speech is also important, as it prevents the same information from being repeated, tiring the audience.

To be successful in communication, oratory training is crucial, because there we explore the most efficient memorization techniques for the area of ​​communication and together we can outline the best strategy for the specific needs of each profession or person.

That's it, speaker! I hope I helped you understand the importance of training your mind to store information, knowing how to verbalize it in a clear and concatenated way, creating an attractive message that captivates your audience.

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