

Saturday 21 January 2023

How To Change Jobs In 2023: See 7 Expert Tips

Whether in the same career or a new one, planning and preparing is essential for changing jobs and being successful.

Changing jobs or careers is usually among the professional goals at the beginning of the year. Research carried out in November by shows that 88% of the 110 people who were employed wanted this transition in 2023.

How To Change Jobs In 2023: See 7 Expert Tips

In general, the search for better wages and balance between personal and professional life is what motivates workers. In the analyzed group, 65.5% say they are not happy with their current occupation. But to make the dream of change come true, self-knowledge and planning are essential.

"It's important to know where you want to go", comments Tábata Silva, platform manager. The orientation is valid both for those who are unemployed and looking for a new opportunity and for employees who want a transition. "It's the first step. the most difficult. and the most important."

What to consider when changing jobs?

When choosing a vacancy, the manager says that it is necessary to understand whether the salary issue overlaps with other points that may be negative, such as long working hours, bad environment and poor integration of the group.

"For those who are unemployed. the urgency is greater. because the person is in need of income. In this case, the main thing is to explore what skill and experience he has to convey in the resume and in the interview, to talk about skills he has already mastered" , says the expert.

It is worth researching the company and, if possible, talking to employees or former employees to understand the dynamics of the place. Organizational culture, benefits and the possibility of growing professionally are other points to be considered in order to identify whether they are aligned with what you want for your career.

Good Perspective

The 22nd edition of the Robert Half Confidence Index pointed out that 22% of companies had a higher intention to hire in the first months of this year than in the last quarter of 2022. Also, 18% of executives said they were more likely to recruit temporary professionals in 2023.

On the other hand, the level of confidence of qualified professionals in relation to the job market and the economy for the next six months fell. It went from 48.6 points in December 2021 to 44.8 points in December 2022. The government transition and consequent economic decisions are the main cause for concern.

However, if it depends on the volume of vacancies announced, the scenario seems more promising. At, there was a 10% growth in opportunities between January 2021 and January 2022. For this month, a projection study estimates a 20% increase compared to the same period last year.

"We perceive that there is a recovery in the confidence of companies, with a greater offer of job opportunities and a positive perspective of economic recovery", says Tábata.

Tips for changing jobs in 2023

In addition to understanding which path you want to follow, the professional must prepare for when opportunities arise. Mastering technical and behavioral skills, putting together a good CV, knowing another language and having a learner's spirit are among the expert tips for starting a new professional path. Check it out below:

Do A Self Analysis

Understand if you have the necessary skills for your professional goal. Tábata indicates investing in courses, participating in events, understanding market trends and improving skills. According to a survey by, 77% of the 517 professionals, employed and unemployed, plan to take a professional course this year.

Prepare Your Resume

The same resume may not work for different jobs. The ideal is to adapt the document for each opportunity you are going to apply for ( see tips here ). In this case, William Monteath, CEO and co-founder of Fox Human Capital, suggests having a "master file" to help with customizations.

"Keep a main list of information. that you can or cannot add to your resume. depending on the position. This list should contain companies, experiences, accomplishments, projects and activities", he explains. In addition, he recommends highlighting the most relevant experiences for each job, even if you have to leave some out.

Look for a job on the right days

If you need to set aside time to look for jobs, focus on the beginning of the week. Although it is not a rule, companies usually announce opportunities on the internet at the beginning of the working week, with Monday and Tuesday being the busiest days. Likewise, people tend to search for terms like "job", "work" and "jobs" on the same days ( see details here ).

Be willing to learn

Not always the candidate will have all the required skills. Thus, Tábata talks about the importance of, at the time of the interview, making your objective clear, what you have to know and what you are willing to learn, both in technical and behavioral issues (soft skills).

Invest In A New Language

Some companies no longer require English as a prerequisite, but there are areas and companies in which the language is fundamental or, at least, a differential for the vacancy. According to Julia Paco, general manager of Cambly in Brazil, skill improves earning opportunities.

"Professionals who are fluent in English. manage to gain access to vacancies with remuneration up to 70% higher. than professionals who are not fluent in English. If having a higher salary compensation is part of your objective, then it is better to guarantee fluency in the English language" , comments.

She mentions other advantages, such as standing out in the face of high competitiveness, increasing the possibility of taking professional trips abroad, a greater chance of being hired by multinationals and expanding networking.

Use technology to your advantage

Register your resume on online platforms, on company websites and use corporate social networks such as LinkedIn. "Professionals should always keep their information up-to-date, especially contacts, e-mail and telephone number", warns Larissa Gonçalves, manager of recruitment and selection at the Luandre HR consultancy.and learn how to make your LinkedIn profile attractive to recruiters.

Networking: invista no offline

Websites and social networks help, but it is also important to build, maintain and increase a good relationship network, the famous networking. Through it, you can ask for advice, know the market climate and get a placement faster. "Often, an acquaintance may know of an opportunity that the company has not made public and make a referral", says Larissa.

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