

Thursday 19 January 2023

Step By Step To Be Your Best Version In 2023

Are we going to take advantage of the turn of the year and all this transformation energy and throw it into the financial area of ​​our life?

Let me start by reminding you that “prosperity is living well”, and that is impossible when our bills are not up to date. Thinking about it, I brought a simple step-by-step for you who want to be your best financial version this year.

Step By Step To Be Your Best Version In 2023

1. Find out your cost of living

The cost of living is the sum of all essential items for your survival. List everything you can't live without and how much you pay each month to maintain that standard of living. Housing, transport, food, bills, expenses with children, pets, subscriptions, rent, etc. The monthly price of all these items are your cost of living.

2. Learn to charge for your work

If you don't earn enough to support yourself today, how are you going to think about your future goals? Pricing your product or service well is essential to having a sustainable financial life and there are several formulas for doing this. I really like to consult the site which has salary averages for most professions in Brazil, and even specifies by state and city. 

3. Turn your dreams into goals

Dreaming big and dreaming small use the same energy. So why not dream big and revolutionize your life this year? Think about what you want to achieve, the movements you want to live, list and study all the possibilities, find out how much this dream will cost and elaborate the steps you need to follow to get this dream off the ground, make a schedule with possible dates to fulfill each stage. A life well lived is one full of dreams come true. 

4. Adjust your budget

Separate the money between present and future money. The gift is 60%, for your fixed and essential costs. Then put another 10% for something cute, a walk, a movie, this will give you a sense of gratification. 

The remaining 30% is for building the life you want in the future: 10% for emergency savings, 10% for medium-term goals and the last 10% for your retirement.

5. Control your finances

Are you waiting for the money to be left? Better to wait sitting down... Cash in hand, besides not yielding anything for you, it's a whirlwind. When you least expect it, he's gone and you don't even know what you spent. Therefore, after organizing the budget, immediately direct what is left to the investment account and put it into the emergency reserve, medium-term plans and retirement. 

In doubt which application to make? Start with fixed income. Safer and more profitable than savings, this modality has Pre-fixed Treasury, Selic Treasury or daily liquidity CDB (which yields from 100% of the CDI).

6. Work on your debts

Don't let debts get you down. Raise all debts and payment terms, and see how much you can allocate per month to resolve this. Prioritize bills that can add up a lot in a short time, such as your credit card, and those that are taking your peace, regardless of the amount.

Negotiate an agreement that fits your budget without running the risk of strangling too much, because once you breach the agreement, interest returns like an avalanche and your debts can get out of control. 

Wassup, did you like these tips? If you can put at least three of these guidelines into practice, you'll have already accomplished much more than most, and you'll be closer to your financial emancipation than last year. 

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