

Saturday, 28 January 2023

Want to have a richer life? adopt these habits

Care for health and well-being, philanthropic actions and prosperous mentality are among the recommendations

The first month of the year is coming to an end, but there's still time to change your life and prosper a lot in 2023. Want to know how? Follow the tips below:

Want to have a richer life? adopt these habits

1 - Stop focusing on scarcity

Cutting expenses is a naturally indicated path to resolve many financial issues, but living this way certainly limits us and leaves us surrounded by energy that is not abundant.

If the situation is critical and requires immediate action, cuts may be necessary. But start, starting today, cultivating an abundant mindset of looking for solutions such as where to find money, how to generate more income, how to increase salary, etc.

See in the difficulty, in the lack of money, the possibility of you creating new sources instead of always thinking about cutting costs.

Generating sources of income can be unlimited. Cutting expenses has a limit. Think about it!

2 - Develop skills to make money

If you've known me for a while, you've heard me talk about this a lot. If you're getting to know me now, believe me, you'll hear this from me a lot. 

The best money skill you can develop is learning how to make money. Not just relying on a salary, a job… But understanding how it all works and starting to make money.

Because then you really take control of your finances. Being able to increase the pace and, consequently, increase entries at certain times, adjust, recalibrate and make plans with more peace of mind. 

What skills to develop? I'll give some examples:

  • - negotiation

  • - networking

  • - sales

3 - Learn to rest

We are always in a rush and, when the body miraculously manages to stop, the head does not turn off. You have to turn it off at times, frequently, to keep the machine turning.

For that:

  • - Cut down on alcohol

  • - Drink more water

  • - slow down

  • - Practice mindfulness

  • - And create your moments of relaxation.

Practice until it becomes a habit.

4 - Donate, help, contribute throughout the year

Part of the money that comes in, goes out. Go out to pay bills and shoulder financial responsibilities.

Another part needs to stay. This part is responsible for creating the heritage that will bring you financial peace of mind. And another part needs to go in favor of some entity, cause, problem... It needs to go with the intention of helping, of simply relieving pain, minimizing a problem, and bringing relief to others. 

Learn to donate part of what you earn. 

5 - Take care of your most important engine

Your health is the most important thing in this whole game. It's no use knowing how to do amazing things if you don't have the energy, strength and willingness to do things. 

Seek well-being in the midst of chaos:

  • - Eat well

  • - move the body

  • - Cherish your sleep

  • - Check up

  • - Take a rest

  • - Cultivate good relationships

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